Friday, May 3, 2013

10 Week Challenge & Pits and Peaks

This week has been mental...
I mean mental because I fought with my mind a lot this week...

I am doing the 10 Week Challenge with Jess from Operation Skinny Jeans.
You can check that out here!
Jess decided to kick it into high gear and started up a facebook page for the challenge.
I just want to say, there are some really lovely people there!
We've all been accountable and really motivating for each other!
It's such a cool way to all work together for one goal, from different parts of the world!

My goals for the 10 Week Challenge were:
~ lose 20 lbs
~ run my 5k in 30 mins or less
~ keep my work out commitments for my week (at least 4-5 times)

My first week into the 10 Week Challenge...
I have definitely had some slip ups... ahem...
 shoving a cupcake in my mouth on my way out the door. (This is my pit)
But more then anything, I want to focus on my successes.
These are going to be my PEAKS:

~ I worked out 5 times this week (so far ;)
~ I stayed within my WW points, and only used 12 of my extra 49.
~ Instead of turning around when I found out there wasn't a spin class on Wednesday, I pounded out 4 k on the treadmill and 6k on the spin bike
~ I've had two people tell me that I am an anchor and a motivator for them!

That last one is HUGE for me. It brings me near to tears.
Sometimes I feel like people don't realize how much of an impact they have on other peoples lives.
This is why I'm always so mushy and soft hearted with people.
I try to take any chance I can to share with my family, friends, coworkers... etc how I feel about them.

A co-worker of mine, has jumped back on the WW wagon with me!
AND committed to Zumba on Tuesdays and walking with me at lunch hours on Monday's and Thursday's!
Yesterday, we had a really great first walk! When we got back to the office, she said to me
"You're good for me!"
My heart warmed. :)
She's good for me too.
My best friend at the weight watchers meeting this week, sent me a picture of the meeting topic.
'Finding Your Anchor'
"You're my anchor! :)"
You're my anchor too Natty! <3

Am I exhausted after this week? You betcha!
Do I want to go home and sit on the couch, watch netflix and eat a bag of cheetos? You betcha!
Was it all worth it? And more.
I feel happy, I feel worthy and I feel fabulous.
I am going to keep making these things happen for me!
Cause I can! :)

Check out this link I found on facebook!
It's a gooder!

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