Thursday, April 18, 2013

APRIL FOOLS... Today's Link Up day instead!

Why Hello there,
Welcome to Hearts, Bows & Polka Dots!
Thanks for reading!
Thus far, I've only really had friends and family reading my blog.. which is AMAZEBALLS and thank you all for doing so!
After my random post from yesterday, I received a few Facebook messages and texts from the lovelies in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sweet, sweet messages. I feel your love and I return it with gratitude. I am so lucky to have you amazing people in my life who support me through the good and tough times!

Today's my very first Link Up!
I found Holly through Mama Laughlin and Skinny Megs! She is adorable and completely hilarious... I also really just love her blunt personality and sense of humor!
{check out Holly's blog here!}
Then through Holly, I caught onto this Link Up stuff... and found Jake...
Four letter word for HILARIOUS... J-A-K-E!
So sarcastic and just down right funny! Jake had me laughing out loud at my desk at work this morning! Thanks Jake!
{check out Jake's blog here!}
So here goes nothing...
Please join in if you are a blogger... or just send me a comment with some funny stories...
I love me some funny stories!

1. I laughed so hard I cried when... I watched the Screaming Goat video, then paired with Taylor Swift's "I knew you were trouble" Goat video.. Go now. Youtube it.
2. My high school... was a Catholic High School... so no fun was had... just kidding. It was nothing special.
3. It really pisses me off... when slow drivers are in the left lane and I'm in a hurry to get somewhere, so then I have to drive like an asshole to get around them...
4. In ten years... I'll be 32... I just died. That's a scary thought!
5. If I could erase one thing... the time at Lazer Tag... nuff said. If you don't know the story, I'm not re-telling it.
6. In 1999...  I was 9! That's right... I was in LOVE with the Spice Girls and shopped at Claire's for my jewels. Bad Ass Mother Effer, right here!
7. Honestly... I justified not going to spin class last night with the compromise of a walk with my brother and sister in law... at which time we just walked to Safeway (which is a good walk!) but we bought Cheetos.... WHEW I feel so much better with that off my chest.
8. To me, Sushi... is divine! But only every once in a while!
9. Someone really needs to invent... a hand that reaches through the phone to slap a bitch when you are frustrated with them. I get a crap tonne of stupid people who phone and swear at me when they can't get ahold of a broker... This function would be used often. It does pose the question, how often would I get slapped though?
10. The first time I drank alcohol... I was 14, at a Grade 9 party. I drank Molson Canadian Beer, and I cannot touch the stuff to this day!
11. The one question I would ask God is... could you please tell me where that "safe place" I seem to put everything in, is?
12. Lindsay Lohan... has limited days left. Gurl fran is gunna drop dead.
There you have it!
My first Link Up!
Be sure to wander over to Jake and Holly's blogs for some hilarious-ness this afternoon!

And tomorrow, I promise you'll finally find out what my fear is!

Happy Thirsty Thursday, Hookers!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren! You are hilarious, lady! The Claire's comment made me LOL. :)
