Wednesday, September 11, 2013

linkin' up !

My happy place... chocolate + coffee + Real Housewives of Orange County *hangs head in shame*

Whatever happened to.... The Jetson's! Bring that shit back!!!!! 

So what if I.... totes ate M&M Pretzels and fell asleep with my hand in the bag!

E! needs a reality show about... Natalya and I. 

My go-to fast food meal is... Subway or Extreme Pita 

You might not know that I... touch my nose with my tongue... Holla at me Gene Simmons! 

The hottest quarterback in the NFL is...What's NFL? *Tim's going to be so proud!*

If I could... walk 500 miles... 

My personality is awesome because... I'm built out of Awesome.

Twerking is.... surprisingly difficult 

I think it's super gross when... you have to walk on the pool tiles and there's hair and bandaids stuck to it... I know you are getting this nasty face on right now just THINKING about it! 

Someone needs to tell Miley Cyrus... keep it up! I'm lovin it! 

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