Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Motivation, Inspiration and getting rid of the nasty!

So, Since posting my before photo and my "in the middle" photo... I have recieved SO much love and support and praise.
I honestly didn't even realize that change had happened until I put the photos side by side.
I knew I felt better, my clothes fit a little better and I was crankin out energy like it was no problem.
But, I really didn't take into account the amount of work I've been putting in.
That's mainly because, it's become second nature.
I don't need to constantly fight myself to not eat the junk in front of me.
I will just have a bit, or ask myself "Is it really worth it?"
I fill up cups of water and leave them in my fridge so they are cold and instantly ready.
I pre pack veggie bags and fruit containers so I always have those options.
I can finally say, I've created a healthy lifestyle.
Now, do I still get popcorn with butter at the movies? You bet!
Do I still eat cake at birthday parties? Does a bear shit in the woods?
But I make sure that I'm actively making that decision and carefully planning every other meal around that.
You can't ALWAYS do that, but that's when you realize It's Life.
Those things happen, move along and learn.
Go for a run, take the stairs, just try to do something to move your body and shred the calories.

On Monday, I couldn't find the motivation to get my ass in gear.
Natalya and I went to see Monsters University *and laughed more than the kids did* and I totally ate M&M pretzels and popcorn with butter...
Big win? I didn't eat the whoooole bag ;)
So yesterday, I was determined to make up for it.
When my sister in law offered me a ride to Zumba, I politely declined and told her I was running there.
And that's what I did.
I ran to class, sweat for another good hour, and ran home.
During class, the devil in my head said "just get a ride home", "you can work your way up to running both ways"
But I was determined. So I ran home.
Yes, I stopped and walked, but only for half a second and then kept going.
I killed it. and I'm proud.
I even had people driving by giving me the thumbs up!
Thanks, Random!

This beauty DOES train like a beast!
Always nice to get a SkinnyMeg email!
Now, getting rid of the nasty.
I have a publish option on my blog, which gives me the opportunity to pre read comments before they hit my blog.
To those of you who read my blog, Thank you.
I hope you find something funny, inspiring, motivating or just keep up to date with what's happening in my lovely little life.
But to those of you who decided to remain "annonymous" and send in nasty comments about how I look in my photos, what I write about or how I'm losing the weight, Thank you.
I say thank you, because you've obviously taken the time to read my blog on more than one occassion.
HOWEVER, you have no place here. I do NOT stand for negative comments on other people... but especially not on myself.
Please realize that no one is forcing you to read my blog or look at my photos.
Carry on.

I hope everyone has a superfab Wednesday!
I'm in a dress I couldn't button up a few months ago!
Can't really see it, but I'm HAPPY


  1. You rock! Keep up the healthy lifestyle!

  2. Well you me darling are such an inspiration! I read your blog all the time a never comment! Just wanted to say thank you for being you. I know I never see you anymore but Hun you are still pushing me to be the best I can be. I thank you for that! Keep going darling you are incredible!!

