Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I <3 Fall.
Happy Thanksgiving, from my fam jam to yours!
We're pretty thankful!

I rocked a 9.6k run on Sunday.
In 1 hour and 7 minutes... it took getting to 6k to finally get my groove going... which was frustrating to me. But I still stuck it out which is something I wouldn't have done before. #progress
I think I just might be able to do this whole half marathon thing.

There seems to be this moment during my runs lately, that I think "Just make it to that spot right there."
I hit that spot. And I just keep going.
Then I say it again, and I pass that point.
It's kinda like I keep surpassing my expectations of myself.
I'm inspiring myself to go further.
Even through the mental battle, which I used to melt into fairly easily, I make it to the end.
It's the most epic feeling, exceeding everything you thought you could be.

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