Monday, December 30, 2013

Update on TeaTox'ing

Happy Hump Day!!! 
Yay, you are almost through the first week of December... there's only 3 weeks till Christmas! 

Official count down: 

21 DAYS! 

So anyways, back to other things. 
I'm teatoxing... I think that's a word?
It's delicious (kinda, not really). 
Here's my opinion: 

~ If you like herbal tea, you'll have no problem drinking this
~ 14 days is actually a really long time to drink tea, I don't think I would do the 28 day one, unless I was at goal weight and was headed on a beach vacation the next month or something
~ I like tea, but 3 times a day is cray
~ I'm really bad at planning these things and forget I need to drink it 30 mins before a meal. So I normally just try and drink it 3 times a day
~ This probably means that it won't be as effective as it should be/is for other people
~ Don't expect extreme results from this, it's just a little extra push for those 2-5 lbs of water weight.
~ You still have to eat really clean and healthy during it. You can't expect to lose weight/tone with this if all your doing is drinking the tea 3 times a day. 
~ I definitely felt nasty the first two days, but otherwise fine afterwards. 
~ I feel lighter and less flubby (also a word)

Final results photo: before & after will be up next week. I'm doubting anything major will appear. 
Final review & decision on if I would do this again: up next week! 

For everyone who has bought the tea & is trying it, I encourage you to write your own opinion on Facebook or in the comments below! I'm interested to know why people are trying it and if it works for them! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

IT'S DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay... those who know me, I know I am a FREAK for the winter months... especially DECEMBER!
It might have something to do with the fact that I am a December baby and Christmas happens.
That's totally it.
But also, even through the Facebook stories of Black Friday Chaos, pushy mall walkers, poor parking jobs & even angry customers... there's ALWAYS something great that I see during these months.
I was in the mall yesterday, looking for stocking stuffers because we chose to do a smaller Christmas this year so we can all save our pennies for Florida.
I did see some of the above, I did even get a tiny bit frustrated at people who just cut in front of you.
What I also saw, was little kids dressed up to take a photo with Santa, Mom's & Dad's looking for the ultimate gifts to give their kids, and cheerful staff in the mall helping people find their way through the madness of Sunday at South Gate.

Blah Blah Blah, Lauren! Christmas is a time for giving, Yay happiness and cheer!
I get it... stop reading now if you want... but I just wanted to explain something.

If you are looking for negatives... you'll find them.
If you create the situation in a negative space... it'll be negative.

I hear people complaining all the time that Christmas has become all about the gifts & the money.
But there are still so many people out there, trying for good.

Be that person! Just try it out.
Instead of getting frustrated at traffic or how bad our Alberta winters are... try looking at how beautiful the trees are with hore frost.

This is why I love December. Not because I get birthday presents & Christmas presents... But because I feel a TON of love during this month.
& That's my favorite.