We decided to run & walk in preparation for our run in July!
We kicked the tracks ass! It was amazing to run with this girl.
We both motivated each other to keep running and it felt so good!
Natalya is starting on the C25K again!!
Except last night, she basically blew week 1,2 & 3 out of the water!
A little sweaty (I swear I do look good most times)... but much happier knowing we just pounded out 5k!
One day in future, we'd both like to participate in....
Now, a letter to little Lauren:
Dear Little Lauren,
Let's start out by saying... when Dad tells you "life sucks, get a helmet." listen. He's right.
Mom putting you into kindergarden a year early, ends up working out for the best. Go with it.
When SPARKS teaches you to share and be a good friend... do it.
You're going to hate school. You also, won't be the greatest with academics. But you'll be damned if you don't do your best. People aren't going to be nice to you. They're gunna talk behind your back, leave you out of all the secrets, call you awful names like "oompaloompa" and "heffer". Ocassionally, they'll even slap you around a little. The sooner you stop taking it personally, the better. You'll ultimately end up in a better head space because of these people, believe it or not.
In high school, you'll have a really hard time fitting in. Your weight is your biggest issue. When that boy breaks up with you and leaves you standing in the hall crying by yourself, chin up! And for the love of god, don't stop eating for two weeks because you think he broke up with you because you're too fat. There's more going on with him. It's not all about you. Later on, he ends up being one of your greatest friends. Speaking of "it's not all about you" learn that shit quick.
In grade 12, you'll find a niche... finally. Theatre becomes your home, your life and you'll finally feel safe and comfortable somewhere. Also, you'll kick ass and have a really great time. && you'll become really good friends with someone who becomes your best friend later! She's pretty effin amazing! Oh and Grad sucks, don't get your hopes up!
After high school, don't panic. Everyone's going to go to University & College. You DON'T have to... seriously. Take some time to figure out what you really want to do. Don't go to school for someone elses benefit. There's going to be a huge change in your life, take every second of it. Feel it all, breathe it in cause a few years down the road... you're going to extremely thankful that every single millisecond of that happened. It'll change your life.
Finally, you're amazing the way you are, you are beautiful, worthy and deserving of so many great things. The earlier you can grasp this, the better off your self confidence would be.
You are loved.