I'm about to reveal one of my biggest fears in life...
There's a story that goes along with it, and it's what started my fear in the first place.
So, drum roll please...........................................................................
This statement, could NOT be more true.
This poor poor girl, I have felt this feeling before... it's sheer panic.
#peeyourpantspanic #foreals
So I went to Europe when I was in the 10th Grade. It was a trip of a lifetime, and I am still so grateful for the experience. We went on the trip to tour the Canadian Battlefields.
I can distinctly remember suddenly realizing that there were Piegons EVERYWHERE...
completely surrounding me... Thus began my fear of birds. They are totally unpredictable.
They fly in giant flocks, and swoop.
It's scary as shit!
I feel like they are whispering...
Then, just the other day, I'm walking home from work when my sister in law points out TWO giant... GIANT geese sitting beside this sign.
I was terrified. They are huge and scary looking. I know I'm not the only one with this fear. There's gotta be someone else.
So if you see some lady walking down the street and suddenly dropping into the fetal position, that's just me avoiding a bird that just scared the living be-jebus out of me.
Moving on... lets talk about The Pits & Peaks of my week:
- I got to spend my first night of the week with one of two of the greatest toddlers EVER...
I <3 Sophie!
- I got another glorious girlfriend walk in with my bestie!
- I saw a young guy walking a blind man across the street yesterday and it made. my. day! Bless his heart!
My Sophie enjoying worlds tiniest ice cream cone! Love this girl to bits!!!
Pits: *firstworldproblems
- I don't even feel it necessary to have any pits this week, considering whats going on in other parts of my world.
- My pits are dedicated to those struggling this week with whatever trauma you may have going on in your life. I send you love and light, and dedicate my suffering to you.
Now... I am just going to share some random photos from my week!
This morning was not my happiest... I arrived at work to find I had split a hole in my jeans...
URGH! (*nice crotch shot, moron!)
Please note, this hole has nothing to do with me... merely poor quality and my hulk like muscles. Makes sense right??
love this photo!
Please not, this is not me.
I WISH.. She's beautiful!
Please not, this is not me.
I WISH.. She's beautiful!
my new polka dot braclet... adding to my arm candy!
Obvie there needed to be polka dots in my week.
Obvie there needed to be polka dots in my week.
A gorgeous sight as I drove home from my walk/run yesterday!
Have a good weekend y'all!
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