Wednesday, September 25, 2013

wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle... yeahhhhhh

Hi guys, sorry I've been MIA.
I'm in a slump again for blogging topics...

Over the past few days, I've been somewhat struggling.
I seem to have a bit of negativity creepin in lately.
I've started to criticize myself again instead of focussing on my #successes.
I think this will just be something that I always battle.
I called myself fat again in the mirror this morning... something I haven't done in a very long time.

While fighting my mental devil, I've been fighting a bit of allergies/cold.
I LEGIT just rubbed vaseline under my nose... and then just kept going to my lips and around my eyes. (not sure why...but it seemed like a good idea.)
My eyes are watery, my throat is killing me, I'm blowing my nose every 5 seconds... instead of complaining about it today at work, I just sang "I'm sexy and I know it" after I blew my nose.
I know what you are all thinking... #thisiswhyshessingle

So, fighting allergies/cold, my mental devil && I'm moving.
Talk about overwhelming.

Fun fact: I've moved 15 times in my life. This will make 16.
It does have its positives - but I'm really ready to just settle somewhere and not have to move anymore.
I'm downsizing, which means I have a lot of organizing and "purging" that I need to do.
I'm overwhelmed at the thought that I can't keep all my Cosmo magazines.
Cause I need them. All.

So over the next little bit, I might be MIA.
But I still love you all for reading... even if it is boring and somewhat a waste of your time.

Have you noticed a trend?
Watch this funny video:


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