Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sup' Thursday!

My favourite day of the week is Thursday!
I always feel like I have extra time on a Thursday.
Thursday is Friday's eve.
I run most all Thursday's.
You're past Hump Daaaaayyyy (you said it like the commercial, righ??)

I just like'ah dah Tuuurrsssdayyy!

I'm just gunna throw it out there... I fit into a pair of jeans I told myself I would fit into back in February.
What a greeeeattt feeling.
Back from my here's goes nothing post, these jeans buttoned and zippered, but I wasn't comfortable wearing em out yet.
Welp, this morning was the day!


I also promised to explain this photo yesterday, but I didn't.
It totes looks like I just got in an accident or something.
But I promise, I'm looooving whats happening.
The wraps around my neck/jaw area are heated.
I do physio for my neck and jaw.
I couldn't go for a while cause my benefits suckkkked #truth
But now, I'm back.
tis' the bomb digs.

Next up: The Nathan Minimist Hydration Vest
I chose this based on... you got er'! Mama Laughlin and Skinny Meg.
And, as usual, they were right!
I'm in love.
I didn't even notice I had 1.5L on my back.
I love the extra little pockets, I love the mouth piece... I love it all.
I chose White because it will match my runDisney costume! ; )
The chest straps fit perfectly across my boobs, and it doesn't chafe or move during my run.
100% Nathan Sports!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nails done, hurrr done, errrythang diiiiddd

I'm channeling my inner "g"...

Alright alright... I know I'm gettin THAT look...

So, today's post is on my lovely self... cause I be deemed beautiful by the lovely Hannah! And she wanted some tips!
Hair, and makeup:

My AMAZEBALLS hair dresser - Shout Out to mah home gurl Hammer!!! - Got me started with Kevin Murphy products.

I'm uh-besssssed with Kevin Murphy hair products...
I start out with a Revlon leave in conditioner

Brush through my nauuuggghhhtttyyyy hair

Throw in some non oil volumizer

Blow dry straight (which means semi curled and freakin' poofy!!!)

Whilst cooling down from the blow dry session... which takes a good 20-30 minutes, I apply muh face!
I'm going to step by step it, as if I'm going out or need to look extra special...

I use Arbonne - Shout out to mah otha home gurl Pammmmmm!!!
I start off with a daily mositurizer - Aveeno for this sensitive childs face : ( womp womp...

Then, I pump out a tinsie tiny little blomb of primer... spread that shiz on yo face!

Next up - dab some concealer with my middle finger over any red marks...
Now, I'm not tooting my own horn here, but I rarely have something enormous that needs concealer on my face... what I DO have is, the dreaded bags under my eyes...

Next up, I pump SPF 15, Honey Beige liquid foundation onto my fingers... I spread this straight back into my ears, down into my neck and into my hair line to make sure that I don't get any lines and it's spread evenly.

I open up my brush set from Arbonne - THE BEST brushes I've used in my life!

I use the powder brush to lightly brush over my powdered foundation so I don't get shiny!
** Always brush down, or else the peach fuzz on your face will stand up right at attention! **

If I'm heading out for drinks, an event, or a date (RAREEEE!)
I'll throw on a light dusting of bronzer... I start at my forehead, run the brush to my temple, swiftly brushing over my cheek twice, then down under my chin bone. (It's like an easy way of contouring without contouring... I don't ask questions, a makeup artist taught me these tricks and I listen!)

I use Pur Minerals blush... I love the palette and I love the light glimmer that it has.
I haven't decided if I'll switch to Arbonne's when I run out... #firstworldproblems

I dust a bit of blush over the highest point of my cheek bones, back to my temple.

I color in my eyebrows with Toffee eye liner from Arbonne.

Then, if I'm going to put eye shadow on, I most often brush a ivory over the eyebrow bone.
Then add in a smokey color into the crease of my eye.

Curl dem eye lashes up high, throw on some They're Real Black mascara and I'm done zoooo!

Back to my hair:

I spritz in some Kevin Murphy heat protection prodcut.

Straighten in layers.
Then, I start the teasing process (this doesn't happen everyday...)
Dribble some powder volumizer into my scalp...

Teased to Jesus. #done.
Smooth over any excess frizzy-ness with Moroccan Oil! #lifesaver

Ehhh Voila!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Who gave me the right?

Today, I'm writing about some MAJOR frustration I had over the weekend.
Which made my Monday morning a this vs that day.

Last week, I worked pretty darn hard at my eating choices and exercise.
I pushed myself (running/walking to Zumba) and made sure I didn't give up on myself.
There were a few little "give in" moments, where I did have a snack that could have been more healthy, or I could have just drank water instead.
But I figured, "at least I'm not eating the entire bag of chips..."
Friday, I REALLY behaved myself (ok... I had ONE fry off my friends plate at lunch!) I made sure that I washed down looooooots of water and peppermint tea.
Saturday morning rolled around, I stood on the scale, and tears flooded my eyes.
I gained.

I immediately felt defeated.
I felt sick to my stomach, and I just wanted to punch the lady weighing me in.
I wanted to flip tables.

Most of all, I wanted to EAT.
My leader came around the table, gave me a hug and told me that I better not give up.
But that's just what I wanted to do.
This is what I thought:
I am SICK and TIRED of planning my life around these DAMN points...
My whole life revolves around the choices of what I eat next.
My mind is constantly fluttering around with thoughts of "drink more water", "eat veggies!", "you need to run tonight"
This "journey" is a load of shit.
I'll never get there, I'll never be beautiful the way I want to be.
My goal of a bikini is ridiculous.

Needless to say, I was really beating myself up.
Thank GOD my best friend was at this weigh in with me.
And double thank GOD, my mom was in town and at my apartment when I got home.
Because the minute her hands wrapped around me, I was sobbing!!!!!
(thanks momma...<3)

I went out to the lake all day Saturday, and I will admit, I could have made better choices of the amount of junk food I ate.
I noticed if I was getting full though, and I stopped myself from getting ridiculously out of hand... but I still ate a lot of it!
I threw in some fruit, but majority was Dino-Sours (YUMM!) and Chips (weakness!)
Sunday, I somewhat thought about my healthy choices (ordered hollandaise sauce on the side.. not bad)
It wasn't until late Sunday night, when Pam sent me a "how ya doin" text...
I admitted it.
I ordered pizza... which I'd been craving forever.
But something was different. I ate the pizza slices, with a WHOLE separate place of veggies.
Pizza is okay... every now and again. It's not great, but life happens... you gotta indulge.
Pam said the same thing, which made me feel better. Plus, I jumped around my apartment to get my fit bit higher in steps.
Then came this morning...
I was getting dressed and was sorting through my clothes thinking...
"Oh god, it's gunna be one of these... I hate how I look, nothing looks good, I'm too fat, you look like shit no matter what..." days.
Except it stopped right there.
I told myself "enough".

Would I talk to my best friend like this?
Would I talk to my sister in law like this?
Would I talk to a complete stranger like this?
SOOOOO Why in the HELL are you saying it to YOURSELF?
Who gave me the right to be that AWFUL to me?

Even though it's kinda weird to think about (sounds like I'm skitso...) but it's TRUE.
Enough is enough.
I gave myself a hug (literally) and got dressed.
On the way to work, I gave myself a pep talk.
It's a new day.
And I'm a worthy person.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So what Wednesday!!! late :/

Hey Friends : )

Sorry I'm late with this post... I had every intention... but... I hit the showers after my run/zumba, and went straight to bed.
Womp Womp!

Here's my So What Wednesday link up:

~ So what, I totes sing to myself when I run... that's when I know I'm really in the groove. When I'm busting out to Flo Rida and acting like my skin is another color. (I've been honked at... no lies!)

~ I'm super DUPER obsessed with office supplies. Why? Who knows. But it's in me, and Martha Stewart, you crafty bitch... your office supplies kick mega behind!

~ Tomorrow it's "Take a Walk Day" at work, and my boss is giving us all an extra hour to take a walk! Frickin COOL!

Now for a little somethin somethin... my mom's gunna shit her pants for putting this info out there, buuuuttt:

Top 10 Reasons to Live alone:

1. No pants... nuff said.
2. That delicious treat that I've saved for my lunch for tomorrow, doesn't suddenly "disappear"/no need to write "DO NOT EAT" on anything
3. I can be Shania Twain... and full on giver whenever I want.
4. No one to question my reasoning for using the oven for storage.
5. I can go to bed at 8 pm and no one will judge me.
6. No: "WAAAIIITTT, that's my 20$ dollar face cream!"
7. Bathroom door... open... always.
8. The place stays cleaner, longer.
9. The laundry can be dried a few times cause I don't want to fold it, no questions asked.
10. My above mentioned obsession doesn't bother anyone and I have lots of pretty pens and post its :)

ps this is Lily... she's my new baby <3 instant LOVE.

Monday, August 19, 2013

a peek inside my favourite place & weekend recap

I spend majority of my time in my bedroom.
It's my space, my comfort, my "zone".
I'm super lucky and have a large bedroom with a walk through closet into a bathroom...

I thought I would show you guys a little peek into my little sanctuary.
This is where I write the majority of my posts late at night/early in the morning.

I'm still in the process of finalizing all my decor in my room...
I keep finding new inspiration, and by that time I've changed the color palette... 
seriously?! What a cash grab ; ) 

This weekend was an odd one! 
I slept most of it away... guess that was needed. 
Friday night, I legit came home from work and fell asleep at 5 pm. 
I woke up again at 10 pm to take off my makeup, brush my teeth, and put on jim jam's. 
Then I slept until 8 am the next morning. 
I think I'm getting a head cold... so I'm happy I got a bunch of sleep. 
Saturday morning started off as usual, running off to my weigh in... 
Which SUCKED... and I do NOT want to re-live that feeling.
But hey! that's what you get when you try to get away with eating like shit... 
*smack my head*

We had a freak rain storm, complete with hail, thunder and lighting... 
I went to go out and just as the garage door to my parkade opened... it started hailing. 
I was not taking a chance on Lily getting abused. 
So I waited it out. 
Great idea, except that when I went to try to leave for a second time, my parkade was covered in water... 
I need to invest in some freakin hunter's!!!! 

I headed over to my a house warming later that night...
My brother and sister in law bought a house about a month or more ago. 
They themed the party, which was super fun!
You had to be dressed in Nautical attire. 
Lots of captains hats, boat shoes, and navy blue appeared! 
Most of the people at the party were from the company I used to work for, so it was nice to catch up with them and see everyone again! 
Ian and Karrone out did themselves!
They even had a photo booth!!!
It was a really great party... I don't have any photos, due to the fact I took photos in the photo booth! 
Sunday I managed to get my ass out of bed and go for a run. 
It was BRUTAL... but again, when you don't fuel your body properly, get good rest, etc... you're bound to have a hard time luggin yourself around at a 6:30/km pace. 
But I tried to look at the positive... I went out for a run. 
No matter if it was good or bad, I did have the option to stay in bed, but I didn't.
I did however, get back into bed when I got home! 

I'm just too beautiful to not re-post!
It's a rare occasion that I look this great in jim jam's! ; )

Now we're at Monday... 
This week: 

~ Favourite Hair products & face routine
~ So what Wednesday link up
~ Mini Goal Setting Part II 

Happy Monday Hookers!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Steps 4, BILT

I know, I know...
Lauren, take off your sappy pants...
But this one is going to be a mix of funny and sweet!
My epic little family of 4 started with my amazing, dedicated and compassionate parents in 1984!
They were married in Nova Scotia...
Dad wore a lovely brown tux... and Mom wore a homemade wedding dress (think buttons and lace! adorbs).
Flowers were yellow and mustaches were a must...
Soon after, my parents has a darling little baby boy...
Ian Alexander was born on January 9th, 1987.
He was a chubby bunny... but what a sweet little bunny! Blue eyes, blonde hair! <3

My parents have made many moves throughout their lives.
To say that they are master packers/movers is an understatement.
My parents (and grandparents) built a house in Halifax on Bluenose Court.
Quickly after the house was done, and barely lived in... they moved to Peace River, Alberta.
My dad worked in the oil/gas and pulp/paper for a little while too!
So most of our moves were due to his job... which I'm super grateful for.
In Peace River, a miracle happened...
Lauren Hope was born December 12, 1990.
The perfect child was born as an early Christmas present.
I'm kidding... (no I'm not... but I think I hurt Ian's feelings.)

Throughout our moves...
Peace River > New Brunswick > a different house in New Brunswick > Ontario > Spruce Grove > Fort McMurray > Edmonton
We've always all agreed that the best part of our moves is always knowing that we can depend on each other.
Family isn't perfect, hell, Ian and I used to slam doors in each others faces, fight over who washed and who dried, give the silent treatment, and fight about putting on socks...
My parents said the usual "When I ask you to do something, I want you to do it.", "clean your room", "pick up after yourself", "Your mother isn't your maid", "Don't give me attitude"... etc.
We had family conversations on Saturday/Sunday mornings where we would all end up in the living room together, in our jammies, just chatting.
Sometimes about random things, funny things, or about the fight we had last night, or Lauren's ability to eat the entire supply of Christmas bark.
My family IS amazing.
We struggle to get through the new chapters of life sometimes...
Me living on my own, Ian getting married, my parents living 400km away from us, losing our family dog...
Just like every family, there are ups and downs...
But guess what? Not like other families... mine will always be there.
For any and every occasion, my brother/sister in law & parents will always be just a phone call away.
These 3 are my favorite.

Ian is a strong, independent, intelligent, successful, and fun older brother.
Ian has given up a lot in his life so that I can have a great life.
There are countless stories of giving up his hamburger, cause mine was ordered wrong...
Biking me to and from my swimming lessons every summer.
Giving up time he could have been spending with his friends, so that he could babysit me.
Letting me live with him when I was a less than impressive human being.
&& most recently, picking me up from a date when my flip flop broke and I couldn't get to my car...
Some of the above, Ian didn't really have a choice about... but some of them, he did cause he loved me.
There are photos of Ian playing his little guitar for me as a baby, holding me on his lap in lawn chairs, trying to make me laugh with silly faces and my arms wrapped tightly around him at graduation.
I'm one lucky younger sister.
&& I know it.

Mom is a dedicated, passionate, warm, friendly, never ending un-conditional loving MOM.
Obviously, mom's are rock stars.
They give up a lot in their lives so that you can have everything and more.
This is true (of both my parents). My mom has always done this.
Whether it be spending money, time, working extra hours/jobs... my mom did it all.
From homemade clothes, to banana chocolate chip muffins...
Sometimes, I didn't realize I had it SO good... and I wish I did.
But now, I'm grateful... sooo sooo grateful for this woman in my life who gave what she could to us as kids.
My mom fought for us, no matter what. Taught me what right and wrong was, protected us and loved us even after we lied about taking karate and having to do stretches for figure skating...
Even 400km away, I feel her love.

My daddy... I am a daddy's girl, if you haven't already gathered that.
My dad is a determinded, selfless, hilarious, caring, all knowing and loving DAD.
He rarely does something for himself. My dad always ensures that his family is taken care of long before he'll even think about replacing an old pair of jeans...
He sacrificed living with his family, in order to make a better life for his family. He moved ahead of all of us and spent time without his wife and kids, trying to create a better life for us.
I will always be grateful.
Even though he yelled at me that one time I ran out in front of a car to save the family dog...
He loves me. SO much.
I'm a very proud daughter, and I know that I can call him with anything... and I do.
"Hey dad... umm, are my side mirrors supposed to bend in towards the window in this car...?" (after hitting a pylon with it...
"Hey dad... quick question, do you think I'll make it to Spruce Grove with my gas light on?"
You get the point... All of lifes questions, my dad can answer.
Well for the most part... "Hey muffin, great blog post today... but what does "totes" mean??"

Steps4, BILT... I love you all so very very much...
You'll never understand how grateful I am to have you as My Family.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why I chose WW & Mini Goal Setting

Hi Everyone... I'm still alive I promise.
A few of you have sent me text messages, emails etc asking WTF Lauren!!
This new job has been killer on me!
It's so so busy. But I love it!

I've still been running, eating (pretty healthy), and battling the devil that is the negative.
I had a request for a topic a week ago *(Sorry it's taken so long, Marla!)
Why did I chose Weight Watchers?
My best friend, Natalya started on weight watchers about a year ago.
Her success was overwhelming... she is such a dedicated person, so the pounds quickly came off.
It was when I saw her success that I decided I wanted that for myself too!
Originally, I started by going every week to a meeting in Spruce Grove with her... then I decided, this is silly.
There was a weight watcher's right down the street from me in the city.
So I branched out.
It took me a while to find my niche, the perfect leader, and group of people that I wanted to surround myself with.
I chose WW because it works.
It's simple. As long as you follow the plan and stick with it.
Accountability is huge... and I'm soooo the person who thinks that if no one saw me eat it... It didn't happen.
That's why I got to be as large as I was.

Weight Watchers can be an online tool, or you can attend weekly meetings where you weigh in.
I, knowing myself, knew that I wouldn't stick with it online.
So I chose a Saturday morning meeting. 8:30 am.
I never usually go out Friday nights anyways... and this gives me an excuse to not go to Junk Food hell on Friday nights... "I've got to weigh in tomorrow... don't throw it all away for one night out..."
My leader Pam quickly became the reason I loved my meetings so much.
She was inspiring, motivating, hilarious and not to mention loving and just down right sweet.
I couldn't stay away.
There are a lot of people in that meeting whom I think of during the week when I'm struggling, and think about how proud they'll be when I tell them I made it through a tough week.
Everyone supports each other... Hell we even have a Facebook group!
WOOO! Pounds Down with Pam!
I'm so truly grateful for finding these beautiful souls to share my weight journey with, as well as my Saturday mornings.

Lately, I've been thinking about how I can't wait to get to my goal weight.
That number rings in my head a few times a day, what I'll look like, how I'll feel.
It's always been a fear of mine that I'll get to goal weight and it'll never be enough.
That I won't be satisfied... I try not to think about this, and moreso just be proud of where I'm at.
But lately, I can't help but feel like I'm too focussed on the final number.
I feel like I'm so determined to get there, that I'm not really enjoying the ride...
I used to fake sick on the days that we had to run laps in gym class.
Now I pound out 9.5km on a Sunday morning for fun!
I need to enjoy that.
Instead of focussing on the final number... I'm going to focus on NSV.
NSV = Non Scale Victory

So, two NSV's I'd like to share:
~ Obviously running that 9.5km and crushing the river valley stairs
~ almost 2 weeks of looking in the mirror and not hating myself. I actually felt beautiful.
This was a huge one for me. There were quite a few years that I wasn't able to look at myself in the mirror without it leading to a depression... I'm really proud.

Sorry I haven't been around much y'all!
I promise to keep making more of an effort to write more often.

Friday's blog post is going to be dedicated to three people I love VERY much!
Happy Hump Day, humpers!