Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Self love & Self Sabotage

How many times in life have I said...
I wish... I want... I can't wait till...

This morning, I read my daily email from the Universe! It's one of the things I most look forward to in my morning routine. I sip my coffee & read the chosen email of the day.
Sometimes, they strike absolutely nothing in me, and I delete them.
Other days, the emails are so bang on, I get goosebumps.
Today was a goosebump day. Guess I better get at it.

How quickly would you like to be surrounded by wealth and abundance, Lauren? Have even more friends and enjoy more laughter? How fast would you like to Fall in love , or have your own fabulous self confidence ? 

If you answered "Pronto," "ASAP," or "Duh" to any or all of these questions, could it be that you've momentarily forgotten that the absolute fastest way to manifest change is to claim that you already have it? To withdraw your attention from the yearning? To think, speak, and act "as if"? 

I didn't think so. 

Tallyho, ho, ho, 
    The Universe

Lately, I've been struggling daily with self-love & battling a lot of blame and self-sabotage.
I made a decision about my relationship with someone that I've had a hard time sticking to.
At the same time, my beautiful best friend, made a similar one.
We've spent about 90% of our time, together. And I'm SO grateful that the universe handed us this at the same time. It has brought us even closer than we ever could have imagined & has proved us with an enlightened understanding of each others inner workings. I wouldn't be able to do this without her.

When you doubt yourself, what does that look like for you?
For me, doubting myself leads to endless eating of unnecessary food. This is called binge eating.
It sometimes gets to the point of uncomfortable. I lose all control and I get the feeling where I just cannot stop. I want so badly to curb this habit. I have definitely made progress from where I used to be... aka: Hiding chocolate under my bed as a teenager, buying food with my babysitting money and eating it when no one could see me, and even middle of the night or early morning junk binges.
Once I've stuffed myself like a Thanksgiving turkey, I sit in a puddle of anger and loathing.
I hate no one but myself.
While I'm eating, I feel "full". Not, I can't eat anymore "full", "full" as in a void is filled.
Something that was missing, isn't anymore.
The feeling lasts all of two seconds.
And then I feel empty again. And then I feel hate.
My mind races with thoughts and feelings. "Remember that bikini you soooo badly wanted to fit into? Guess that's not happening anymore..." "Really, Lauren? Again..?" "God, I wish I could stop this..."
Sometimes, I cry. Sometimes, I just go to sleep.

This happens in waves. More so when I get overwhelmed with a lot of life things happening.
I'm definitely getting better at stopping myself, asking myself if I really need it, or keeping myself occupied with another task to keep my mind away from eating.
I want so badly to say, that this will never happen again. That I won't binge one late night when I feel overwhelmed and lonely. But I can't yet.
What I can say, is that I'm trying. I'm desperately trying to put the binge eating behind me and find healthy alternatives to turn to.

At the end of the day, I'm not perfect. ( I KNOW THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!!!!!!)
But my new favorite saying is, I hold myself to a standard of grace and not perfection. 
I'm a work in progress. And I always hope to be.
The self love needs to step up a notch & the self-sabotage needs to back off.
I just have to remember that, bottom line, I'm going to be okay.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

RunDisney Race Recap

RunDisney race: Disney Princess Half Marathon

So here's a recap of the race itself as well as my opinion and thoughts on RunDisney races!
I realize that not everyone will feel the same way that I feel about this... so again, I repeat... MY OPINION:

1. We arrived the Friday before the race. I wanted to have a relax vacation after my race instead of being exhausted before I had to run 13.1 miles. We stayed in a condo type place - that way we could cook our own meals & I could create a comfy Lauren space before my race.

2. Pre-race fuel. Of what little races I've ran, the majority of my training took place in the evenings, so I just went with something I knew I would eat & enjoy the morning of the race. My go to is Peanut Butter toast & activia yogurt. I was soooo nervous before this race that I could barely get through the two pieces of toast I made. So even though I wasn't planning to, I packed a granola bar to slowly eat throughout the race just in case I got crazy hungry... and I did!

3. Race Outfit choices: I ran in Lululemon Wunder Under Crops, a lululemon halter tank & a disney minnie mouse tank. My shoes are asics and I wouldn't even go to anything else for a running shoe. I have a pretty neutral foot, so I don't need much compensation & asics always provide a comfy home for my feets! I wore Nike dri-fit socks... shockingly a sock that tells you if it's a Left foot or a Right foot, makes a difference. I love the compression they give me and they are more padded in some areas than in others. I also ran with the Nathan Minimist Hydration vest. I ran with this during my 10km, but I'll be honest, I don't think I spent enough time making sure that the vest was strapped to me properly. About an hour and a half in, I was in major back pain and I knew taking off the vest was going to relieve it... but I also knew I wouldn't want to put it back on. Other than that, I LOVE that thing. Keeps your water cold and has handy little pockets for lots of goodies. I also more often than not, run with a hat on. I find that it blocks sun & helps from sweat running down my forehead.

4. Prepping for the race: I somewhat wish I had have tried to meet some other people travelling from here for the race. It would have been really nice to meet some other ahead of time, just to see some familiar faces on the road.

5. I will say that I really enjoyed the RunDisney experience. My bib was personalized with "Princess Lauren" written on the front. It was also customized by colour for your favourite princess. Mine is Belle so my bib was Yellow & purple. I didn't spend a ton of time at the Expo. I did get my free t-shirt and little mesh bag to carry my things in. However, I was disappointed that there weren't more free trial sized things from the expo. I mean come on... free shit rocks. AmIright? For the overall price of the race ($160) I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of water stations/powerade stations & the Gu station that was on the race. (*I did not stop here... Gu freaks me out*) Of course my favourite part was the medal. It is STUNNING. And I'll be honest, I carry it in my purse right now. I looooove showing that puppy off. I was NOT happy with the route of the race. It wasn't really "running through Disney" as I had expected. I'm curious to know if the Disneyland race will be different.

6. Overall, the amount of people there to help field people & answer the many questions of people was outstanding. There wasn't a second of the whole race that there wasn't someone available for us. It was truly awesome to have so much support. Majority of the people were shouting uplifting messages to us all as we ran through water stations, cheering stations or even from picking up garbage on the side of the road.

Would I run a RunDisney race again? Absolutely. But I would NEVER do it alone again. I totally respect that some people just need to do their races independently... but I so need the extra push from people. Here's a few more photos, and I promise... no more "I RAN A FREAKIN HALF MARATHON" all over the blog. ; )

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

13.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back!  & I finished my first Half Marathon when I was away...
Holy Smokes!
I can't really wrap my head around the fact that it's over, just like that!

I was REAL nervous leading up to the race. I took a week off of running before the race date to recharge my body and make sure I was well rested before I left.
I also tried my best to eat really clean and give my body lots of good nutrients leading up to the race day & hydrating like crazy!

I tried to boost myself up a lot that week. Make sure that I was talking nicely & not negatively... but I'll be honest, I was so doubtful that I would actually finish it.
I kept trying to tell myself that it was only a few hours of my life & it would be over and I might even be satisfied with myself.

We landed in Orlando dinner time Friday (we had a layover in Denver that lasted long enough for us to watch Canada whoop the US in Hockey... sorry American readers...) the nerves started to fly later that night. The next morning we slept in a bit, and then headed to the ESPN Wide World of Sports to pick up my race package and goodies!

I ended up with a raging migraine that day - so I had a good nap that afternoon and then spent the rest of the day hydrating like crazy and relaxing in the pool at our hotel.
That night, it was early to bed (9:30) because we all had to be up at 2 am to drive to Epcot for the race start.
My family is amazing! They all got up with me - smiles on their faces, ready to rock the finish line! I am SO incredibly lucky!

We got there and took a few photos, enjoyed some warm up music - and I brought a Zumba instructor... so Karrone and I definitely did some routines as my warm up! It was a blast.
They started calling corrals and soon I was up!
I hugged everyone goodbye and went on my way. We had about a 25 minute walk to the start line, so I used that time to get myself in the zone & listen to some relaxing music.

My head was zooming with thoughts - do you have to pee? what if you have to pee? you should probably pee now... oh god, the line up to pee is ridiculous. Am I going the right way? Did I pack my granola bar? Are my minnie ears still on my head? Seriously, am I going the right way? I should totally pee. Nahhh, I'll be okay. I just peed like 4 minutes before I started walking. Where's my corral? WOW there's a lot of people here. I'm hungry. Oh look, my corral. Corral I. Shit. I'm on the wrong side. I can't get to my corral. Ugh. I have to walk alllll the way around again? Stupid. I guess I wasn't going the right way. Well this is embarrassing. Hey no one knows me. Thank god for that. Okay, here we are. I'm going to do some stretching. Yup. Shoulda peed.

For every corral, there was fireworks when they ran across the start line! That was entertaining! Except that I was corral I and I had to go through A-H before I could go. It made me so nervous just standing there waiting. Finally, my corral was up to start. Here goes nothing. The fireworks went off, and my feet started grooving. I just kept repeating "Run your own Race... don't let the excitement tire you out to fast" My slow start paid off and gave me a good start to get through the first few miles.
It all went by so quickly and suddenly, I was at Mile 4. I wasn't feeling so hot. I was trying to take deep breaths and small sips of water. I started to really feel it towards the end of the mile and knew something was gunna come up... and it did. Mile 5, I puked. The medic station wanted me to lie down - but I just couldn't stop. So I kept on going.
The inbetween miles, I just remember continually repeating "Just Keep Running". I really wanted to stop, but I didn't. Even if it was a slow, slow, slooooowwww pace, I still kept running.
By Mile 9, I was determined to give up. I was ready to call my parents and tell me to come get me. I was SO over this whole running thing and didn't want to keep going.
I started saying to myself.
"There's no one here to tell you to keep going. No one is going to do this for you and you have no one to rely on but yourself. You need to motivate yourself. You are here for you. This is your run, you've brought yourself here. So finish it. Giving up isn't an option." And it wasn't. I refused to bring myself to a different country for a run that I'd be training for and give up.
So I kept running.
The mental game is harder than the run itself. "You should stop" "DON'T STOP RUNNING" "No seriously, just walk the rest" "DON'T DO IT!" "It's finnnne, just give up" "You. Can. Do. This."
I have never gone through so many emotions.
At Mile 5, after getting sick... I was mad.
At Mile 7, I remember being somewhat satisfied with my pace and getting into music and just trying to keep going.
At Mile 9, I was fueled with determination and a little anger.
At Mile 11, tears were slowly streaming down my face at the thought that I was almost done.
At Mile 12, I just wanted to be done. People kept saying, it's right around the corner. It never really was...
I rounded a corner and saw seas of people with signs, cheering and screaming peoples names...
I wanted so badly to see my family. Anything to help me cross the finish line and give me the push I needed to bust out the rest of the run.

How SWEET are these 4 people! I die.

And there they were... Jumping and yelling.

Tears flooded my eyes and I couldn't hold back.
I crossed the finish line of my first half marathon at 3:04:18.

Not the time I wanted, but the feeling I wanted.
The feeling of accomplishment of something I NEVER thought I could do.
And I did it.

And I'm crazy enough to say I'll do it again... although that wasn't how I felt when I finished... 

Brother & Sister Love!

Finally sitting... it never felt soooo good