This weekend went wayyyy to fast! (twss)
Like usual.
Friday night, I cozied up with Mr. Luc for some fun memories of our performance of the Music Man.
I distinctly remember thinking we were much better than we really were.
Funny... actually Hilarious.
On Saturday, I met Natalya and her boyfriend at the mall.
We had dinner together and got gifts organized for a birthday we were going to that night.
We are both friends with Twins! Which makes birthday gift buying double the fun!
(see what I did there?)
We ended up being rather early for the Birthday at The Rack.
But we went in and grabbed a table...
I guess "The Fights" were on... which ended up meaning that Natalya's boyfriend had to explain to two very confused females what was going on.
We both agreed that instead of fighting we'd sit in the middle and paint our nails.
We got some funny looks for the looks we were giving to the TV.
There was just SO much blood... I don't understand.
Bangin Hot Chicks! |
My amazeballs socks from Natalya! |
I managed to only have one drink that night...
On Sunday, I was headed to a Bridal Shower...
A little back story for this...
When I was in high school... It felt like eternity.
I felt like I was never going to get out, and the bitch that told my friend I spread a rumor about her... ended my whole life and it was never going to get better.
(drama queen much?)
I'm a sensitive and emotional person.
End of story. It's how I was built.
It's also something I've begun to admire about myself instead of critize.
I'm able to create really great friendships because I feel with people.
It legit hurts me when other people are hurting.
Now, this can be a little challenging at times.
I often have to remind myself that I'm not the "cure" or "fixer".
But when people I love hurt, I hurt.
I can't imagine how it's going to be when I have kids...
Lord Help me!
In my Grade 12 year, I met someone who would be extremely influencial in my life.
She made things more happy for me.
We laughed, cried, and sometimes struggled our way through life.
But we always supported each other.
We didn't judge, but when one of us stumbled, the other was there.
I moved away to Fort McMurray for my first summer working there.
Carleen, was there. I don't mean in Fort McMurray... I mean there for me. Truly.
Texts, hand written letters, phone calls, and many visits when I came home... Once, even a surprise in her parking lot.
Carleen knows me. And I forget that sometimes.
We drifted, like friends do.
We have different groups of friends and we are in different parts of our lives.
But, I know 100% that if I called her and needed her, she would be there.
This is where her and my Best Friend, are so much alike.
Yesterday, I drove to Carleen's family home for her Bridal Shower.
It was the drive there that really got me emotional.
The last time I had driven out there, we were much younger.
Once, we set up a ginormous slip and slide...
We wore plastic bags, soaped up with dish soap and slid down a large tarp into the lake at the end of her property.
It was a blast. And entirely ridiculous, which made it so much fun.
The Shower was absolutely fantastic.
Each person who walked through the door, had the biggest smile.
Carleen means so much to all of these people. It was just really cool to see so many people in one room just so love and support her marrying Jeff.
I had to take off early, but I left there feeling really grateful for our friendship.
I cried, most of my way home. (emotional disaster maybe?)
And I was just overwhelmingly happy for her.
I have to say I'm really open to finding my happy...
Hear that Universe????